Many tell us what to think. I ask my readers to be skeptical. Question me and others.
To all who hope to be around in 2069, please be prepared that it will arrive much sooner than...
“Fight” became the favorite word used by politicians. No one is focusing on understanding the problems and on seeking...
When Illinoisans were not paying attention, government employees voted for themselves lucrative pensions, not correlated with the actual contributions...
As of now, Chicago can try to lure more tourists with a slogan: Come and see the last days...
The fight over Obamacare repeal is over, at least for now. The GOP can start to work on a...
We cheat ourselves if we discuss health care policy without openly talking about money.
We use the modern information technology not to learn, but to reassure ourselves that what we already know makes...
As far as human memory reaches back, rich people have always financed the wild ideas of all sorts of...
That scenario is unlikely, if the leading Republican presidential contender wins the nomination. As Dr. Ben Carson said, it...
If we spend all the money we have and can borrow to fight climate change – will it make...