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Life and politics, Ukraine

The truth about Russia and NATO

The Soviet Union collapsed for internal reasons. As Russia was its central pillar, it was Russia’s failure. The situation in Poland was a catalyst. Besides talking, the U.S. and the West did nothing material that contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union. Poland and the Baltic states benefited the most from liberation from the Soviet yoke. Knowing Russia well, they feared that the rebound would come, and one day, Russia would try to get back what it lost with the fall of the Soviet Union. If NATO did not accept them, they would form a new military alliance in Europe with Poland and Ukraine at the center. Ergo, extending NATO eastward was the best for everyone. It preserved the very existence of NATO. It was the cheapest for Poland and the Baltic states. Russia was happy because it managed to keep Ukraine out of NATO and could claim that NATO’s expansion threatened Russia. It is clear to everyone except those Americans who could not see further than the end of their noses.

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Two jokes about Russia
