Many tell us what to think. I ask my readers to be skeptical. Question me and others.
Brack Obama, the Harvard Law School graduate does not know the definition of insurance.
Many GOP leaders want to stop funding for Obamacare, even if it would mean not voting the budget and...
In the recent years, health care has been a hot political issue. Much more than many other contentious political...
in the health care reform debate In the final push for passing his concept of health care reform, President...
My response to the request voiced by President Obama in his State of the Union address. Dear Mr. President,...
The House health care overhaul bill passed not because Democrats prepared a good proposal but because Republicans showed amazing...
Among opponents of the health reform proposal, the public option draws most of their criticism. Pundits speculate whether Obama...
Fans of the TV serial House, will notice that every time Dr. House diagnoses a problem he scrawls on...
In the report, that the President received from his Council of Economic Advisers, beginning on page 13 and following,...
One week after posting my open letter asking for a concept in the health care reform bill, I received...