Many tell us what to think. I ask my readers to be skeptical. Question me and others.
In democracy majority rules. However, it is unwise to implement a major law with a narrow majority, and despite...
Many GOP leaders want to stop funding for Obamacare, even if it would mean not voting the budget and...
Political analysts often look at the map and try to identify Republicans’ and Democrats’ strongholds. They see the country...
The Republican National Committee prepared the Growth and Opportunity Project report suggesting using more digital media. The problem is...
The gay marriage issue has nothing to do with social values, but a lot with values measured in dollars....
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina is trying to limit immigration visas available now for family members...
If today we grant green cards to all illegal immigrants, surprisingly many would pack up and return home. They...
Liberals are just socialists. Conservatism as we have it today is like a once young attractive woman, who a...
The whole world turned its eyes to the hostage drama somewhere in the middle of the Sahara. Seeking recognition,...
Marco Rubio tries to find a middle ground between water and fire. It looks like that he is more...