Donald Trump asks Ukraine to make territorial concessions because Russia is stronger. If we accept war as a way of resolving disputes, and if Russia will get even one square inch of Ukraine thanks to the aggression, it means that the UN is a joke and NATO stands for nothing; those with more guns rule. That approach gave us WWI. So, in 1928, nations signed the Pact of Paris, agreeing that solutions to conflicts shall be by pacific means. They forgot about it in Munich in 1938, yielding to Hitler because he had more guns. We got WWII as a result. Trump does not get that the UN and NATO protected us for 80 years from the next global war. By attacking Ukraine, Putin tells the world that values and signed accords promoting peace are worthless. By that, he started WWIII, which is not full-blown yet. But it will become hot if Putin gets any reward for starting this war.